The first figures 7" figures produced by Art Asylum were a set of six figures from the series premiere of Enterprise, "Broken Bow". These two figures are of Captain Jonathan Archer and Ensign Travis Mayweather. Archer is the captain of the Enterprise NX-01, the first Warp 5 ship that Earth has developed. Mayweather is the helmsman aboard the ship. |
These two figures are of Sub-Commander T'Pol and Lieutenant Malcolm Reed. T'Pol is the first officer aboard the Enterprise and is the first Vulcan to serve aboard an Earth ship for a long period. Reed is the armory and tactical officer aboard the ship. |
These two figures are of Klaang the Klingon and Silik the Suliban. Klaang is the first Klingon that humans have encountered following his crash landing in Oklahoma in 2151. Silik and the Suliban are the main adversaries for the Enterprise crew, as well as the entire universe. They are the participants in a Temporal Cold War that has been a major plotline in the series. |
This is the Deluxe Edition Captain Jonathan Archer. It is the same figure as shown above, but this set includes the Captain's Chair as the first piece that will form the entire bridge of the Enterprise. |
This is the Deluxe Edition Lieutenant Malcolm Reed. It is the same figure as shown above, but this set includes the Weapon's Station as the second piece that will form the entire bridge of the Enterprise. It locks into the captain's chair piece
on the left side. |
This is the Deluxe Edition Sub-Commander
T'Pol. It is the same figure as shown above, but this set includes the
Science Station as the third piece that will form the entire bridge of the Enterprise. It locks into the captain's chair piece
on the right side. |
Art Asylum produced four figures in it's inital wave of Star Trek Nemesis figures. The first two are Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lieutenant Commander Data. In the film, Picard confronts a Romulan-created clone of himself, while Data must also deal with a less advanced android and makes an ultimate sacrifice to save the Enterprise. |
These two figures are of Praetor Shinzon and the Reman Viceroy. Shinzon becomes the leader of the Romulan Empire after he assasinates the Romulan Senate. He is a clone of Captain Picard bent on destroying the Federation. The Viceroy is a Reman who comes from the Romulan sister plant, Remus. He was the first person who helped Shinzon when he was young and also helps him control his weakening body. |
The first two figures in the Away Team Series
were Captain Archer and Ensign Hoshi Sato. Ensign Sato is the
Communications/Linguist Officer aboard the Enterprise NX-01. Both figures
are in the Starfleet EVA suits. |
The second pair of figures in the Away Team
Series were Sub-Commander T'Pol and Commander Charles "Trip" Tucker III.
Commander Tucker is the Chief Engineer aboard the Enterprise NX-01. Both
figures are in the Starfleet EVA suits. |
The final two figures in the Away Team Series
were both aliens. The Andorian Imperial Guard Shran and the Nausicaan
Captain. The crew first encountered Shran at the Vulcan Monastery at P'Jem
and has made several appearances. The Nausicaans were shown when the
Enterprise responded to attacks upon cargo freighters. |
This is the internet exclusive Doctor Phlox
and is part of the Away Team Series. Dr. Phlox is a Denobulan and part of
the Vulcan Interspecies Medical Exchange Program. The figure comes in the
Starfleet EVA suit. It was released in two forms: boxed and on a blister
card. |
This is the complete first set of the Borg
Assimilation figures. They are renditions of various aliens after having
been assimilated by the Borg. The series includes a Klingon, a Cardassian,
and a Hirogen. |